This was the first issue of the newly renamed Cobham Aviation Services newsletter, to coincide with the Cobham wide re-branding. The name was selected from a list that had been part of a competition within the company to rename the company newsletter from InFRAred to something that encompassed the new look and feel of the company.

The name for the new look newsletter was Cascade – Cobham Aviation Services Communicating Aviation Details Everywhere

Having researched competitor’s newsletters and other publications, we came up with a definitive list of ‘FORs and AGAINSTs’ regarding styling, page layout, number of columns, number of pages and visual appeal. This set the tone for the newsletter template for other newsletters to follow.

A limited print run was produced and distributed to all Cobham Aviation Services staff across the UK and Australia. Copies were also available as handouts to give visitors and customers.

  • Project Type: Company Newsletter
  • Skills Needed: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat
  • Client: Cobham plc
  • Project Year: 2009